
Happy Friday

Morning. The coffee's still brewing. This says it all until I can read the news, absorb the news, and get sufficiently caffeinated to coherently comment on the news:
How many times do we have to hear:

We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to fix Social Security.
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to fix Medicare.
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to provide health care to ALL Americans.
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to help out Americans losing their homes.
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to help all our veterans returning from war.
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to rescue "no child left behind".


We DO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
We DO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to bail out Bears Stearns.
We DO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to pay for an unnecessary TRILLION DOLLAR war.

When the LITTLE GUY needs help, they scornfully say, "GET A JOB!"
But when one of their BIG GUY CRONIES need a bailout, what do they say? SURE, NO PROBLEM. Where's the checkbook?
Oh, and read this one too:
In the financial markets, conservatives aggressively deregulated and created incentives for the financial industry to make all the money it could on risky investments, knowing the government would bail them out if they failed. This is exactly what conservatives want to do to health care - create a system where business can make as much money as possible while leaving working people out in the cold.

It didn't work with the financial industry and it won't work for health care.

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