
Call Me Sexist

but Sarah Palin's screechy voice makes me cringe.*

I'm so addicted. I really really want to turn off the TV and turn away from all things Sarah, and yet I can't.

Speaking of things that piss me off, CNN just ran a ridiculous hit piece on Biden. Absolutely absurd. It suggested people don't know much about Biden (nevermind he's been a Senator for more than 30 years), and it used the always reliable "some even suggest..." set-up to wonder aloud if Obama should dump Biden from the ticket.

Knowing how the sausage is made, I'm guessing the idea for the report was ripped from a write elsewhere and regurgitated for TV.

Maybe here or here or here.

It's amazing the crap CNN picks up from the Internet when there's real news online worth reporting.

*Commenting on the tone of a woman's voice is totally sexist. If you think it's not sexist, you're extra sexist for denying the sexism.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Yeah, Jacki,that voice... eeeek! For two people who are famous for complaining about "whiners", she & her runningmate sure have some whiny-sounding voices.