
Cost of Living

This is pretty astounding considering how obscene rent is in Manhattan:
Report: NYC health insurance costlier than rent

According to a New York Post analysis of new data from the state Insurance Department, it now costs more to buy health insurance than it does to rent a two-bedroom apartment.

The newspaper found that the average monthly premium for family health coverage is $4,354, up 13% from last year. That's more than the $3,947 monthly rent for a place in a no-doorman building downtown
Here's the original article from the NY Post.

1 comment:

zendo said...

WOW. People really paying those kind of prices for a 2 bedroom apartment? It is more costly to have somebody open the door for you? Ugly. Ugly. Ugly. And not the kind of ugly god loves, the down right disgusting ugly ugly ugliness.

Either people are stupid or heartless, or just plain dumb, or all 3. We have an unemployment rate reaching 30% and you're sitting there paying 4g's a month for an apartment. How can you explain that to anybody attempting to understand how this form of Psychosis/Schizophrenia works? How can you explain that to yourself?

Is this really something one could consider freedom?

Perhaps we should burn em all down, the entire damn city, and start from there. Wow. Unbelievable.

P.s.-thx for the great work u do on the blog, interesting stuff!!