
Higher Education

AP: 6 fraternities suspended in drug probe at San Diego State U
SAN DIEGO - San Diego State University has suspended six fraternities after a sweeping drug investigation that landed members of three fraternities in jail on suspicion of openly dealing drugs on campus.


Profits may have been used to finance fraternity operations, according to an affidavit.
How lame was my house? Our fundraiser was an annual pancake breakfast.

Btw, there are so many fabulous elements to this story, it's hard to pick a favorite. I'm torn between the dumbass who "sent a mass text message advertising special prices on cocaine" and the fact that "[t]hose arrested included a student who was about to receive a criminal justice degree and another who was to receive a master's degree in homeland security."

Funny previously-posted cocaine-related story here.


gsmith said...

I wonder where students get the idea that they are above the law? Bush himself, my guess, the scofflaw in chief. He's set an example for all the frat boys to follow, hasn't he? and he gets to kill people too, hee haw!! sorry, just can't resist.

maybe schools should teach "self-awareness" classes so at least the kids would appreciate the irony.

Jacki Schechner said...

I'm guessing the insular nature of college life has something to do with it too.

Campuses can feel like pseudo worlds with rules all their own.

When I was young, I thought college kids were SO old. But looking backwards, they're SO young. And in this case, dumb.

gsmith said...

you are a lot kinder and less cynical than i am. i think that you are right, college kids are very young in many ways, and those on drugs are especially stunted emotionally/intellectually.