
Late Lunch Break

It's so late that it's now past dinner. I started this post in a self-imposed quick lunch break at 3pm, but something came up, I got distracted, and it's now after 9pm.

Posting's been lighter than usual here simply because work's been so heavy. But because we're fighting for comprehensive health care reform this year, I can't complain. Busy's a good thing.

That said, the blog will probably continue to suffer a touch, but I will do my best to keep it updated at least once or twice a day.

Today's contribution comes from last night's meal. There's a fast food chain in Miami called Chicken Kitchen that makes a mustard curry sauce that is nothing short of fabulous. We used to visit the original Chicken Kitchen back in the early 90's, but since then, the restaurant's popped up in spots all across South Florida. I introduced John to the mustard curry sauce over Thanksgiving break, and since then, he has taken it upon himself to recreate the magic. He found others online equally intrigued, and here's the recipe he's used:
2 tbsp Light Mayonnaise
1 tsp Yellow Mustard
1/2 tsp Curry Powder
2 tbsp water

Stir vigorously until water is well mixed into the mayo-mustard-curry mix. Add more or less water, depending on how "runny" you want the sauce to be. Curry is to taste!
I can attest to the fact that it tastes just like the real thing.

1 comment:

Cheryl Spencer said...

I can't wait to try this recipe. I have a son who doesn't eat anything without dipping.