
Back...Sort Of

Hola! Happy New Year.

We flew back to the States yesterday, and after an expected delay at JFK, we are now home in DC safe and sound. Spain was amazing. I've got pictures and video and tons of good stories, but unfortunately, they're going to have to wait a couple of days.

My Macbook died again last night, and until I can get out to the Apple store (again), I won't have a chance to tend to the blog. Work time is all work now. I'm currently sifting through hundreds of emails and slowly but surely returning missed calls.

But I promise once my home system is back online, you'll get the full Debrief de Espana.

Meanwhile, I can justify blogging from the office if I promote HCAN's print ad out today. It's in The Hill, Roll Call, and Politico, and it thanks President-elect Obama, Vice President-elect Joe Biden and the 170 Members of Congress who support the HCAN principles. Some HCAN staffers went up to the Hill today to thank Members in person. Here's Jason's account plus some interesting news about why health care spending slowed in 2007. Jason explains:
The slowdown was caused primarily by two factors:

1. A drop in prescription drug spending, with much more spent on lower cost generics as opposed to brand-name drugs.

2. Decreased costs of Medicare overhead.

Yep. The slowdown in health care cost growth was caused in part because Medicare, a public health care plan that is already more efficient than private insurance, made itself even more efficient!

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