
Election Night

I'm here.

There's not much to say that isn't being reported elsewhere online.

I'm tabbing between AMERICAblog and TPM and kos and the CNN race results module I customized with the Congressional races where HCAN advertised. If you're following along at home, that would be FL-08, IL-11, MI-7, MO-9, MN-3, NY-29 and the NH Senate race (which Jeanne Shaheen won while I was writing this post).

My boss is all about Randy Kuhl going down in NY. I'd like to be able to wave buh-bye to Tim Walberg in MI. They just called PA and a good chunk of the Northeast for Obama. This is expected but promising. I'll take it.

Mark Warner's win in VA is excellent news for HCAN. We're hoping he kicks off what turns out to be a run of winnning candidates who have already signed on to our campaign. Remember, an Obama win tonight is just the beginning.

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