
Missing the Point

I don't really care whether or not the $150,000 spree was legal. We know by now "legal" is just a formality for the McCain/Palin campaign:
It would be illegal for the McCain-Palin campaign to buy a new wardrobe for Palin and her husband, say campaign finance lawyers contacted by ABCNews.com. But the law is silent on whether such purchases can be made by the Republican National Committee (RNC).

...The McCain-sponsored campaign finance reform bill in 2002 specifically bars the campaign committees from purchasing items for personal use such as clothing, campaign finance lawyers say.

That same ban, however, is not written into the statute for other fundraising entities like PACs or the political party, creating one of the many loopholes that allow campaigns to skirt some of the restrictions put on election spending...
But I think it's despicable that the RNC spent $150,000 of donor money - probably some of it culled from those working class people they claim to care so much about - making over the VP candidate and her family. Some might go so far as to say they spent $150,000 to put lipstick on a pig.

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