
Virtually Employed

Ok, apologies for keeping this on the DL until now, but I'm going to be moderating 4 sessions of this conference tomorrow and a 5th session on Wednesday.

It's called the Virtual Energy Forum, and the agenda's about sharing best practices for greater energy efficiency. It's all happening online so there's little to no carbon footprint - no jets, no cars, no big convention hall wasting power.

You'll be able to watch the presentations live and submit questions in real time. I'll be sitting across from the experts, picking questions and generally keeping the conversation flowing.

Feel free to pop in and take a look. I'll update with more details later, but I have been tasked with talking to Newt tomorrow and Senator Kerry on Wednesday so it should be quite the adventure.

1 comment:

Ronnie said...

Very kewl. Can you ask them to put more pressure on domestic car manufacturers?

Why have the American companies been caught with their pants down while the Japanese companies have good, fuel efficient alternatives? Didn't they learn their lesson during the last crisis? I own a Prius (love it), and I swear if one of the "big three" made a hybrid station wagon (remember those? they could fit more stuff than SUVs but were *cars*!), I would buy one. Maybe they can put more pressure on the Japanese manufacturers to assemble hybrids in this country, which has lower the carbon usage vs. making the cars abroad and shipping them here!