
On Losing Tim Russert

I had something witty planned to usher in the weekend, but in the wake of Tim Russert's death, nothing of that ilk seems appropriate.

I watched a couple hours of coverage on MSNBC and a little CNN and then had to leave the house. It was just too much. I never met Tim, but seeing the people I do know and care about hold back tears as they remembered a colleague and friend was gut-wrenching.

Also, there's an implicit "in it together" TV journalists often share, due, in some part, to the insane lifestyle the industry commands. Even if you've never met someone in the business, sometimes you feel like you have, and when you finally do, there's a familiarity that's tough to explain.

As I turn the TV back on now and continue to hear Tim's friends and colleagues talk about his character and commitment to his craft, I can't help but think of what his legacy should be. Russert's hard work and kindness and generous spirit shouldn't be the exception in broadcast journalism. They should be the norm.

They aren't anymore, but they should be.

With that thought, I'm done for the day. Here's the poem of the week and a link to John's column which will be up on Sunday.

Have a good one.

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