
Sam Walton, So Dreamy

Wal-Mart has apparently—and quite reasonably—concluded that many, many Americans lack even the most basic economics education. And from the looks of things, they’ve spent lots of cashola in a modest, friendly attempt to remedy this.

The ad/site is here. Yes, it’s glossy and corporate; saccharine and hagiographic all at the same time. The choice of indie hipster rock for the soundtrack is an awkward grab. In fact, it’s just the sort of thing that could only be produced in the hothouse environment of a high-powered ad agency: the love child of a Hallmark movie and an episode of Milton Friedman’s Free to Choose.

But here’s the thing. It’s totally right. Sam Walton is right. “If we work together, we’ll raise the standard of living for everyone.” As I sat on my couch the other night, late in the evening, and watched this on my laptop, I got a little misty. Just a little bit. No kidding. And then my wife ridiculed me, which, for reasons I won’t go into, I richly deserved. But I couldn’t help it.

It is so nice, finally, to see a corporation like Wal-Mart—a corporation that has done more for the low-wage earners in this country than just about any other institution—explain just a little bit about the creation of wealth instead of apologizing to activists and hiding in boardrooms. Ah! I think I’ll watch it again.

(photo by The Gonger. Thanks Gonger!)

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