
Lowest Common Denominator

In case you think I'm exaggerating, the following are the 5 Daily Picks Match.com has selected for me today. Keep in mind I have a cat, I have been in DC for more than 5 years, and after living in too many apartments with impossibly tiny kitchens, I am just now starting to teach myself to cook.
He shares the same birth month!
Like you, he'd like to have kids someday.
You share culinary interests.

Like you, he's a dog lover.
You both love playing sports.
He matches your liberal view of politics.

Like you, he's a dog lover.
You both love playing sports.
He's not a smoker.

You both love playing sports.
Like you, he'd like to have kids someday.
Both of you are into swimming.

He has a graduate degree.
Running is an interest for both of you.
You're both new to the area.

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