
This Is It (pt 1)

We've still got to get the reconciliation bill through the Senate and the President's got to sign the bills into law, but tonight's vote is the first of those three final steps.

It is history.

I'm watching CSPAN and eating Cheez-Its. They are my celebratory snack of choice.

See you back here after the vote.

UPDATE: Richard's in good company tonight. Live Pulse:
In Pelosi's box tonight

Speaker’s Gallery guests:

1. Mr. Pelosi
2. Nancy Corinne Prowda (daughter)
3. Alexandra Pelosi (daughter)
4. Michiel Vos (son-in-law)
5. Gordon Witman, PICO
6. Richard Kirsch – Health Care for America Now (HCAN)
7. Robert Hall – American Academy of Pediatrics
8. Rich Trumka – AFL-CIO
9. Dr. Willarda Edwards – National Medical Association
10. Ari Matusiak, President – Young Invincibles Want Change
11. Christina Romer – Council of Economic Advisors
12. Mark Duggan – Council of Economic Advisors
13. Zeke Emanuel – Senior Advisor for Health Policy, OMB
14. Jason Furman – National Economic Council Advisor
15. Nancy Ann DeParle – White House Office of Health Care Reform
Cool locale, but I bet they don't offer Cheez-Its.

UPDATE 2: Hotline and SFGate posted the guest list too.

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