
Between a Rock and a Hard Pace

I think this is probably the longest I've gone without updating in a while. It's been a combination of lack of motivation and excessive distraction.

On the personal front, I spent three hours learning to rock climb on Sunday. I took a class at an indoor gym and was surprised to discover the climbing itself was easy. The knot-tying and belaying - not so much. The instructors let us bring home a practice rope, and I've spent the last couple of days perfecting my figure 8 and back-up knots. I think I've got them down now. The belaying part is going to take more time in the gym with an extremely patient partner.

On the work front, I've been focused on getting materials together for this:
Health Care for America Now (HCAN) – the nation’s largest health care campaign – in conjunction with tens of thousands of local partners and progressive advocates nationwide are starting a week-long push insisting Congress act now on health care reform and listen to everyday Americans, not the insurance lobbyists who are spending millions to block health care reform and protect their profits. Organizers are holding nearly 40 events in 32 states between the 17th and the 24th.


The flagship event of the week is the “March to the Finish Line for Melanie” - an eight-day walk which starts in Philadelphia, PA on Wednesday the 17th and will end in Washington, DC on Wednesday the 24th – the day before President Obama's Health Care Summit. The march is named for Melanie Shouse, a health care advocate who just lost her long battle with breast cancer after missing out on treatment because she did not have access to good, affordable health insurance.
You can learn more about the march and follow it online at the Melanie's March website (http://melaniesmarch.com/).

To find an event in your area, go to FinishReformRight.com.

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