
Taking Care of Business

Senate Finance passed its bill out of committee today 14 to 9. Senator Snowe (R-ME) was the only Republican to vote yes.

Here's the HCAN statement:
“The end of the Senate Finance Committee’s process marks the beginning of the next phase – crafting a strong bill that goes to the Senate floor. The HELP Committee bill offers a better path forward in the Senate than the Finance Committee bill.

The Senate Finance Committee bill falls short on making insurance affordable to America’s families, gives employers a “free ride,” and does not create meaningful competition in the insurance market with a strong national public health insurance option. The HELP bill makes health insurance affordable to families through subsidies, lowers the cost of insurance with a public health insurance option, and promotes shared responsibility with an employer requirement to contribute to coverage.

We’re closer than ever to achieving a guarantee of good, affordable health care for America’s families and businesses, and we’re counting on Senators to put their constituents ahead of the big insurers and vote for real reform.”

1 comment:

STP said...

Thank God the charade of the Finance Committee is over. Now can we get a real reform bill that includes a strong public option?!