
It's Official

Max Baucus sucks.*

Twice now he's said he supports the concept behind the public health insurance option but is voting against it because he doesn't see how it would get 60 votes on the floor.

Does he not know he is one of the 60?

Here is how we ended up today. Schumer:

10 Yes
13 No

Champions: Rockefeller, Bingaman, Kerry, Cantwell, Wyden, Schumer, Menendez, Stabenow, Nelson, and Carper.


8 Yes
15 No

Champions: Rockefeller, Bingaman, Kerry, Cantwell, Wyden, Schumer, Menendez, and Stabenow.

*(This very strong personal opinion reflects that of me and not that of the entire HCAN coalition - as far as I know.)

1 comment:

STP said...

It reflects me, too. I wrote to Baucus and Conrad immediately after the votes and did not even make an intelligent argument any longer. I simply called them cowards beholden to the insurance industry.