
Friday Follies

I just got off the phone with Quest Diagnostics trying to find out why a $94 bill from April 2008 is back in collections even though Quest assured me the insurance company mistake that started the problem in the first place had been taken care of months ago.

The collections agency usually puts through a recording, but today I got a real live obnoxious human. After many frustrating minutes explaining I owe nothing and the man on the other end of the line threatening to ruin my credit, I proceeded to explain in no uncertain terms I am not paying them a "f*cking dime." Those were my exact words. Ask my coworkers. Everyone heard.

And the best part? No one flinched. Not one person.

I love my job. I get to fight the good fight for a living.

Not the most pleasant way to wrap up a week, but I declare I've earned my Friday. Most of today was spent out of the office, actually. I went up to the Hill to watch Richard tape a segment for The Colbert Report. It should air sometime in August. I'll keep you posted.

But for now, happy weekend. Have a good one.

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