
Playing Catch Up

Who knew 5 days could put a girl so far behind?

Your missing links from the weekend: poem of the week and John's Sunday column

We're written up in Esquire today:
Nearly fifteen years after the Clintons tackled America's health care crisis, a new group called Health Care for America Now may just tip the tide, scaring the bejeezus out of Conservatives.
Read the whole thing here, including this:
"They're obviously going to fight tooth and nail," says Jacki Schechner, the spokeswoman for HCAN. "Even as they say they're coming to the table now, they have a real clear vision of what they want to see that reform look like, and that protects their bottom line."
Chris has got another piece in Politico today talking about us versus single-payer, and my boss sums it up perfectly:
Kirsch added that the attacks by single-payer advocates are aimed in the wrong direction and “are more of a distraction than anything else.”

“It’s great for them to go out and advocate for single-payer, but we think they’re misplacing their energies by attacking us,” Kirsch said. “They should be focusing their energies on those that don’t want to see any public health insurance plan and don’t want to see stringent regulations of the private insurance industry.”
And finally, just for fun, I found this in a circular on Sunday:

My First Male Chauvinist Boyfriend sold separately.


Tracy said...

Well, I'm with you Jax. I find that ad completely offensive, and I loved your comment -- laughed out loud when I read it.

Jacki Schechner said...


Besides the fact that I think fake household appliances are generally lousy gifts for kids, what would have been the harm in putting a little boy in that picture?

So only girls iron and do laundry?

Not in my house.

Also, I don't believe motherhood and domestic chores are intrinsically linked. Heck, you birth a child, and you should get a free pass not to have to do chores if you so choose.

The best part about the day and age in which we live is that a woman can choose to do or not do anything she darn well pleases. And if a woman decides to pursue the traditional role of housewife (again, mother and housewife are not necessarily the same thing in my book), then I'm all for it.

But marketing traditional domestic chores as toys for girls (and not boys) perpetuates a gender stereotype that's better off left unadvertised.

Chez said...

You're overreacting.

The little girl in the ad is obviously Hispanic, which means that the toys she's playing with actually qualify as career training.