
Get Smart

I have no faith in the competency of our national government when DC alone can't seem to get its act together.

My old Metro SmarTrip card deactivated, and I needed to get a new one. That ridiculous process itself was annoying and inconvenient, but once I left the station with receipts and pamphlets in hand, I figured the rest would be cake.

Yeah, stale cake with nasty frosting.

My receipt says to "hold this receipt until you receive your fare adjustment in the mail." Did you get anything in the mail? Neither did I.

So I just called the SmartTrip Helpline, and after a 20 minute wait, I found out my money (close to $300) had "expired." Seems if you don't go to collect the balance from the fare machine within 30 days, the Metro people are more than happy to absorb your cash.

And here I was waiting for the fare adjustment in the mail as instructed on the OFFICIAL METRO RECEIPT handed to me - in person - at the Metro station.

Allegedly, Metro's now resubmitting my information, and the money will be back for pick-up Wednesday after 5pm.

Talk about being taken for a ride.

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