
Odd Coincidence

I went to a relatively small private high school in South Florida. The year I graduated, I'd say there were maybe 425 people in the whole school. Today, I got a copy of the alumni magazine in the mail addressed to someone from the class of 1987.

There was a clear name and graduation date on the label so the guy must have lived here at some point.

How bizarre is that?

Yeah, She's Tough to Recognize

The Washington Post has got a first look at some of the celebrities expected to show at next month's White House Correspondents' Dinner. If past years are any indication, you can expect an American Idol castoff or two to join Ben Affleck and Hayden Panettiere on the final list.

Besides being a colossal bore of a dinner, the pseudo-soiree could possibly be the DC media's most embarrassing display of ass kissing ever seen. The couple of years I've been, I've been astonished at the amount of uncomfortable posturing and positioning by some of the most accomplished and high level people in news and government.

Best story to come from last year's spectacle - Remember Sheryl Crow and Laurie David were in attendance as part of their big Stop Global Warming campaign? Well, even before their run-in with Karl Rove, they were a big hit with the suck-up contingent. In fact, I watched a senior cable news executive push himself right through the throng and tap Laurie David on the shoulder and say, "Sheryl...I want you to meet our State Department Correspondent...She's a big fan." I kid you not. Captain Know-It-All was so out of touch with pop culture that he couldn't pick Sheryl Crow out of a crowd of two! That, my friends, is a DC news dork in action.

As for my personal accomplishments in the Washington social arena, I was so low on the totem pole year one (and never climbed much higher thank you very much) that I had no qualms about pushing the envelope a little. A fellow correspondent and I snuck into the Bloomberg after party as part of Cedric the Entertainer's entourage. No joke. It worked. And we had a blast simply because we couldn't care less.

Monday's Menu

I'm holding down the fort over at Americablog this morning while Joe helps deliver petition signatures to the FEC.

In the meantime, feel free to sit anywhere you like, and I'll be back with the good stuff in no time.


Neither Here Nor There

I'm posting now to let you know I'll be MIA most of the day today.

But in the meantime, I've weighed in over at Americablog here and here.

The poem of the week will be updated this afternoon here.

John's column will be online Sunday here.

And there you have it.

Happy Friday.


Stupid Human Tricks

I posted a short note on Americablog last night poking fun at the fact that cable news networks seem to be labeling everyone a strategist these days. I got an email in response from one said strategist - Mark Walsh - who agreed that the whole political Spy vs Spy template has spiraled out of control. He gave me the heads up he was going to be on MSNBC this morning on a segment being called "Obamacans v. McCainocrats." Just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?

The terms seem to originate from a Washington Times article published earlier this month but were unfortunately resurrected and injected back into the media lexicon today with this ridiculous Gallup poll alleging certain percentages of Democrats will vote for McCain if their preferred Democratic candidate doesn't win the nomination:
If McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain
If McCain vs. Clinton, 19% of Obama backers go for McCain
Walsh made the only salient point in the pseudo-debate by noting that these numbers go right out the window once we have a confirmed candidate and the general gets underway. The anger being ginned up right now will die down in time, and Democrats who are truly Democrats won't vote for 4 more years of the same.

The segment was short, but no one bothered to explain what Obamacans are or why they were "versus" McCainocrats. I'm assuming the term refers to Republicans supporting Obama. I'll go out on a limb and offer a better - and easier to pronounce - name for those voters...



Credit Where Due

What are the odds? Someone copped my credit card number for the second time and charged a bunch of crap online.

My credit card company caught the fraud immediately and called. All's handled on this end, but having been through this before, I know the culprit probably won't be apprehended because it's not within the bank's best financial interest to pursue incidents under a certain amount of money. I want to say somewhere around the $10,000 mark, but I could be making that up.

Anyway, I know exactly where the card was compromised because I hadn't used it for weeks until yesterday at lunch, and since all the shady charges popped up yesterday afternoon after lunch, it's not tough to pinpoint the scene of the crime.

Being the good citizen I like to think I am, I called the restaurant. I just assumed management would want to know what had gone down so they could investigate and then presumably prevent it from happening again. But oddly enough, instead of being met with sheer gratitude by the manager in charge, I got a fair share of attitude. Even though I made it very clear I wasn't placing blame on any one person in particular - and emphasized I did not suspect it was our actual waiter - the manager felt compelled to suggest criminals in Mexico could have randomly generated my credit card number because that's what had happened to him once.

That's the moment I waved the white flag and called it a night.

Mixed Emotions

Liz and I went to college together. It's fun to see her in films. She always wanted be an actress so there's an added joy of knowing she's a good girl who got what she wanted.

However, reading she's likely to play Laura Bush makes me a little sad. Not that Liz should have passed on the probably high-profile and lucrative gig, but the thought of anyone taking on that role - let alone someone I like - is just unsettling.

UPDATE: I should probably clarify this a bit. I just feel the wounds inflicted by the current administration are raw and considering we are still very much mired in the muck of W's presidency, a movie depicting the life o' Bush is not something this country truly needs. It's the same way making a movie about 9/11 felt unnecessary to me. At least so soon afterwards. The horror didn't/doesn't need to be dramatized.


Really American Idol

And the breakdown goes a little something like this:

Syesha is talented but no less annoying.

Everything about Michael Johns is just too plain for my taste. The name. The look. The love of tennis. No thanks.

It's hard for Carly to do wrong in my eyes, but I'm wondering what the bathroom reference meant. She get sick beforehand? Was there a feminine issue she started to reference and then thought better of it in front of the intimate crowd of 30 million?

G-d Bless the USA? Really? Ok, say it now. Jacki hates America. Whatever. I couldn't even watch all of KLC's performance. It just screamed, "I dare you. Vote me off now, suckers. You can't. I'm too patriotic."

Hey, did you think maybe David Archuleta's choice was a Christian Rock song? Yeah, we did too. It didn't do anything for me, but my signif - who is significantly less tone deaf than I - says Archuleta has a rare tone quality to his voice that's worth the price of admission. Well, tone and the possibility of getting to watch dancing vegetables back him up.

David Cook. Alien head. Stellar voice. Hands down top seed.

Signif gets the final word: "The last guy was the best tonight, but I'm still betting on the little kid and his dance-a-matronic celery."


Interesting little nugget I just discovered. Did you know DirecTV has a department designed specifically to offend and annoy:
DIRECTV's Outbound Telesales Department is a department within DIRECTV that engages in telemarketing to existing DIRECTV customers.

Here's how this works. You call DirecTV with a billing or service issue - don't worry, you will - and then they put you on some sort of list that generates endless automated calls. They don't tell you you're being added to a list. They just go ahead and do it. Allegedly, adding your cell to the Do Not Call Registry should - according to DirecTV's website - protect you from the flood. I'm not convinced.

I started to make the connection after my first couple of service calls mysteriously triggered tens of robocalls. At that stage, every call I made to DirecTV included a "please don't put me on whatever list it is you've got I don't want to get calls from you about anything at any time thank you very much" request. Not one operator hesitated. Not one asked for specifics. They all knew. In fact, the last rep I spoke with spilled the beans by confirming there was, in fact, some sort of list. Case closed.

But still...isn't something inherently wrong with this practice? Why should I have to opt out of sales calls, especially if no one's informed me I've been automatically opted in to begin with?

No wonder DirecTV's got a long trail of documented complaints over at The Consumerist, including its fair share of stories related to Do Not Call registry violations and fines.

Don't even get me started on the installer who showed up high as a kite or the one who refused to do the work because it was too late in the day.

I've now got cable.

Playing Fast and Loose

So last night, the following exchange takes place in my living room:

Signif: Hey, come in here. Listen to this. What is he saying? (presses play on the DVR)

Sportscenter announcer: The NFL Network is reporting Broncos receiver Brandon Marshall slipped on a fast food bag, severing an artery, and is expected to be out for several months.

Signif: What did he slip on?

Me: I think he said "fast food bag." Is that what you got?

Turns out Marshall's story - that he got up to get water, slipped on a wrapper, and put his hand through the TV - is just as fabricated as it sounds. This is more like it:
According to NFL Network, Marshall's slip and fall on a McDonald's bag Saturday at an Orlando, Fla., resort also included a bit of wrestling with a family member.

The resulting smash of Marshall's right forearm through an entertainment system created damage more severe than the player indicated publicly.



"Seriously Florida, WTF?"

SexEd Edition:
TAMPA - Three Tampa Bay area teachers in two weeks have been accused of having sex with students.

Experts on the subject do not think it is an epidemic but say the reporting of such crimes is on the rise.

There are experts on the subject? Really?

But wait, there's more:
Since 2005, at least 10 schoolteachers in Hillsborough and neighboring counties have been arrested on similar charges.

Not Another Spitzer Article

But it does incorporate the phrase "accidental discharge."

"This one time, in band camp..."

It just... doesn't... end:
New York's new governor, who disclosed last week that he and his wife both committed adultery several years ago, said Monday that he used cocaine in his 20s and smoked marijuana when he was younger.

Someone needs to tell him to stop. Now.

Monday Inbox

Courtesy signif via Slate:

Just the Fax

This is a bad call. Any Senator looking for a press assistant but only accepting fax submissions in this day and age needs more help than he/she knows (emphasis mine):
PRESS ASSISTANT - Maryland Democratic Senator seeks Press Assistant for busy media office. Duties will include, but are not limited to, researching and compiling daily news clips, managing website and drafting web materials, writing press releases and monthly staff newsletter, answering press line and generally supporting the Senator's press operations. Degree in communications or journalism and Maryland ties preferred. Please fax resume, cover letter and two brief writing samples to 202-224-3892. E-mail submissions will not be accepted. No phone calls please.
It reminds me of the time we got a fax from a Congressman's office notifying us that his blog had been updated.


Beyond Random

I needed a laugh. Maybe you do too:

Happy Easter Weekend

The poem of the week's been updated. It's actually a precursor to John's next column in The Huffington Post Living section.

Obama opened up the race dialogue on Tuesday. John continues the conversation with poetry on Sunday.

Have a good one.

Breach Blanket Bingo

State Department now says contractors peeked at Clinton and McCain passport records too.

Biden Time

Al Giordano predicts Joe Biden - as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - is poised to take center stage in the Outrage Circus bound to ensue over contractors having inappropriately accessed Barack Obama's passport files.

He also mentions the spotlight could help elevate Biden's status as a possible VP candidate.

I was not aware that Biden was already on the short list, but I don't need to tell you that's good news 'round these parts.

Now here's hoping he doesn't open mouth, insert foot, and screw it up.

Where My Girls At?

This one is SO for the women that I even hesitated to put it up. It's a grooming thing. Guys - you've been warned.

I have found an incredible product. It works. Trust me on this. If you've been looking for the inexpensive alternative to... um..."salon visits," this is it.

I've tried everything (everything!) and this far exceeded my expectations. Hence the obligation to share.

Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


On the House

I'm a bad bad bad blogtender. I wrote up an opinion piece for Americablog and then proceeded to completely neglect my own.

I'm sorry. Next round's on me.

That said, I had a random thought. Someone spray painted graffiti on a building nearby that reads "Your Salary Means Nothing." I've been mulling it over all day.

In a philosophical sense, I suppose I agree. But if you're unemployed and owe rent... then not so much.


Today's Moonlighting

This isn't the first - or even the second - time I've called Obama the perfect Youtube candidate, but it's the latest.

Also, some media-related commentary courtesy of me.

Karma Gone Wild

Oops. Maybe the call girl's not going to make out after all:
According to a "Girls Gone Wild" press release, Dupre visited Miami in 2003 to celebrate her 18th birthday. After fighting with a friend and getting thrown out of her hotel, Dupre found a nearby "Girls Gone Wild" bus, the company said.

She signed legal papers and spent a full week on the bus, filming seven full-length tapes which included nudity and same-sex encounters, according to the company.

I think you've officially scraped rock bottom when Joe Francis gets the last laugh.

Beatled to Death

It was nice to see David Archuleta back in good form last night. I thought Carly and David Cook both delivered too.

But frankly, any joy was overshadowed by being force fed bad Beatles covers all over again. I can't figure out why they bothered. I've spent some time this morning trying to find a connection between Fox and the Sony/ATV asset. There must be a corporate tie in we don't know about.

Otherwise, it makes no sense.


Wedge Issue

I stand corrected. Turns out there is such a thing as too much cheese.

Speaking of cheese, Fred and Sharon have a new video. Fred explains:
Because of the popularity of my 'Who Needs a Movie' Video the people at BBC3 contacted me to make this commercial. The point for Youtubers is that Lily Allen has a segment of her show each week which features a Youtube Video. I didn't know who Lily Allen was a week or so ago.

Easy Cheese

Screw rich and thin. I say you can never have too much cheese.

I'm off to a friend's house for what's being dubbed Cheese-a-Palooza 2008. I have no idea what this entails, but I've been promised fondue.

It's no use even bothering to play hard to get.

Tossing Your Cookies

Seems some people are trying to resell their Girl Scout Cookies online on sites like ebay and Craigslist.

The SF Chronicle's baby blog (awesomely named The Poop) has a good detailed take on cookiegate.

Since I'm not out and about in officeland these days, I actually haven't come across anyone selling Girl Scout Cookies, but I do know my signif made a purchase at work. I, however, have seen no sign of said purchase. So when he called this afternoon, I asked about the state of the sweets and was informed he had already consumed two of the three boxes and had no immediate plans to bring the remainder home.

My inquiry as to why was met with an "I didn't know you cared that much" which I immediately identified as a defense mechanism and an attempt to assuage his guilt.

He's an excellent partner, and I am a lucky girl. But when it comes to delicious snacks in this relationship, I'm quickly learning all bets are off.

All About America

Morning. Another new Americablog contribution here.

The Take Back America conference is taking place here in DC this week. Joe and I are planning to swing through today to say hello to some peeps we know (read: peeps he knows).

I'm in it for the company and the promise that we're going to lunch afterwards.


funny pictures
moar funny pictures

Thought for Food

Couple of new posts up at Americablog. I'm helping hold down the fort while John's traveling and Joe's teaching ESL.

Some might say I am procrastinating since it's my night to cook dinner, but I assure you this is not the case.

Sex and the City Nearby

Is it just me or did this little nugget slip in under the radar?

A former aide to ex-Gov. Jim McGreevey claims he had sexual trysts with McGreevey and his now-estranged wife while they dated before the governor took office.

Theodore Pedersen detailed multiple trysts in interviews Sunday with The Star-Ledger of Newark and New York Post.


Pedersen, 29, told the newspapers that the threesomes started in 1999 while McGreevey was mayor of Woodbridge and McGreevey and Dina were dating. He said they stopped when McGreevey was elected governor in 2001.

The AP write's stamped 11pm last night. I'm guessing it hit big in the NY/NJ region yesterday but is just making its way across the country today. Either that, or I'm a little behind in my tri-state tryst news. Getting hard to keep up these days.

Btw, this Staten Island paper's write has a little more detail:

The aide, Theodore Pedersen, said he and the couple even had a nickname for the weekly romps, from 1999 to 2001, that typically began with dinner at T.G.I. Friday's and ended with a threesome at McGreevey's condo in Woodbridge, N.J.

They called them "Friday Night Specials," according to Pedersen.

T.G.I. Friday's does have that Friday's Three-For-All. Maybe that set the mood.


Stay in School

How math comes in handy in the real world:

Experts estimate that Dupre will bring in between $2.5 million and $5 million from companies looking to promote the hooker who brought down the governor.

Dupre would have to service Spitzer 581 to 1,162 times at her going rate of $4,300 for four hours to earn the same amount of money.

UPDATE: I don't mean to dwell, but isn't prostitution still illegal in the US (except Nevada)? Why is this girl not going to jail or at least getting some sort of punishment for committing a crime? She's set to make millions off of breaking the law. Where's the incentive for other young women to not follow in her tragic footsteps?

Don't get me wrong. I'm far from prude and what you want to do with your bod is your biz. But reading about the call girl's new windfall makes me feel like this whole debacle is setting a lousy precedent.


What's Love Got To Do With It

Eliot Spitzer found time from his busy call girl-buying/wife-humiliating schedule to update the poem of the week here.

Also, don't forget to check out John's column on Sunday in The Huffington Post Living section.

Have a great weekend.

Sign of the Irish Times

Lindsay serves up this week's edition of "Seriously Florida, WTF?" and takes us to Tampa where economic revitalization means dwarf fights:

Ryan Gougeon is the owner of the James Joyce Irish Pub. The pub has been serving Guinness for approximately a decade. It wasn't until about a little over a year ago that Gougeon began offering dwarf fighting on random nights to attract business to his new purchase. Gougeon says that the pub is now packed on dwarf fighting night. Patrons come for the beer and blows.

Not Sexy

Any 26-yr-old guy who says his high school days were the best of his life needs to get one.


A Little Taxed

It's one of those light posting days for a couple of reasons.

1. I just composed an Americablog post, and it took some time. As soon as it's up, I'll add a link here. UPDATE: It's up now.


2. I've got to gather up tax paperwork to send off to the accountant. That's been time consuming too. Mostly because everything was in a big pile and needed to be sussed through.

Apologies for the slight neglect.


Blame Canada

Via DKos, "Special events can be captured so you can send memories to the folks back home."

Honey, I'm in Here...

This story alone is enough to start a "Seriously Kansas, WTF?" feature.

From the AP:

Sheriff: Woman sat on toilet for 2 years

WICHITA, Kan. - Authorities are considering charges in the bizarre case of a woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years — so long that her body was stuck to the seat by the time the boyfriend finally called police.

Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said it appeared the 35-year-old Ness City woman's skin had grown around the seat. She initially refused emergency medical services but was finally convinced by responders and her boyfriend that she needed to be checked out at a hospital.

"We pried the toilet seat off with a pry bar and the seat went with her to the hospital," Whipple said. "The hospital removed it."

Whipple said investigators planned to present their report Wednesday to the county attorney, who will determine whether any charges should be filed against the woman's 36-year-old boyfriend.

"She was not glued. She was not tied. She was just physically stuck by her body," Whipple said. "It is hard to imagine. ... I still have a hard time imagining it myself."

He told investigators he brought his girlfriend food and water, and asked her every day to come out of the bathroom.

"And her reply would be, `Maybe tomorrow,'" Whipple said. "According to him, she did not want to leave the bathroom."

The boyfriend called police on Feb. 27 to report that "there was something wrong with his girlfriend," Whipple said, adding that he never explained why it took him two years to call.

Police found the clothed woman sitting on the toilet, her sweat pants down to her mid-thigh. She was "somewhat disoriented," and her legs looked like they had atrophied, Whipple said.

"She said that she didn't need any help, that she was OK and did not want to leave," he said.

She was reported in fair condition at a hospital in Wichita, about 150 miles southeast of Ness City. Whipple said she has refused to cooperate with medical providers or law enforcement investigators.

Authorities said they did not know if she was mentally or physically disabled.

Police have declined to release the couple's names, but the house where authorities say the incident happened is listed in public records as the residence of Kory McFarren. No one answered his home phone number.

The case has been the buzz of Ness City, said James Ellis, a neighbor.

"I don't think anybody can make any sense out of it," he said.

Ellis said he had known the woman since she was a child but that he had not seen her for at least six years.

He said she had a tough childhood after her mother died at a young age and apparently was usually kept inside the house as she grew up. At one time the woman worked for a long-term care facility, he said, but he did not know what kind of work she did there.

"It really doesn't surprise me," Ellis said. "What surprises me is somebody wasn't called in a bit earlier."

You Boob!

Via FishbowlNY, I found this story of former sex worker Audacia Ray who turned down an MSNBC appearance because the booking producer asked if she'd ever been a whore.

Sounds less like a media issue than a personality issue on behalf of the booker/producer. Who does that? If Ray's account is accurate, seems the MSNBC employee needs a refresher course in basic human interaction. Interpersonal Communications 101.

No doubt booking guests to weigh in on a sex scandal has the potential to be slightly tricky, but the process probably gets a whole lot easier if you treat possible contributors with respect and not speak to them like you're recruiting for Girls Gone Wild.


AI Redux

Syesha's got to stop telling us she's a working actress. I believe it. She's doing an excellent job of working my last nerve.

That whole opening brag about the new set reminds me of the wife who comes home and wants to show her husband her purchases. He doesn't care. Neither does the home audience. The set looks the same from here.

Michael Johns is no Rufus Wainwright.

Kristy looks dead behind the eyes. If you're going to go country (assuming we're even calling tonight's song country) on AI, you better be Carrie Underwood's long lost twin sister. Otherwise, don't bother.

Jason's got purty eyes (and a good service, I'd bet). Carly...flawless. David Cook...solid. Archuleta...not so much.

I'm fairly indifferent toward the rest.

Disposable Income

I just can't get over this:
Speaking on condition of anonymity, a law enforcement official said Tuesday that Spitzer, in fact, had spent tens of thousands of dollars with the Emperors Club. Another official said the amount could be as high as $80,000. But it was not clear over what period of time that was spent.

And Another Thing..

1. I told you there was something in the water in New York. Oh Eliot. Geez.

2. I sat on a train for more than 6 hours last night. However, rumor has it the delay was because someone committed suicide and they had to close down the tracks. You sort of lose your right to complain in the wake of that one.

3. I came home to a neighborhood-wide power outage. It was superdark.

4. I refuse to get into a pissing match over opening up conversation online. Anyone who's bothered to get to know me rather than spew ill-informed criticism knows that no one has been a bigger champion of the online world than I have. I had/have no control over what pops up on your TV. I didn't drink the MSM Kool-Aid. I don't even really like Kool-Aid. I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat either. I don't respect blind allegiance to a party line. I don't have a candidate yet because I'm torn. Between whom is none of your business.

5. Finally, it doesn't take a lot of talent and/or guts to criticize strangers online. You can still call me the Blog Chick - most people do - but I'm also the chick that defends bloggers to no end, trying desperately to explain why your work matters. Go ahead. Jump to conclusions. Why take the time to really read what I write instead of formulating an easy snap judgment? I'm not advocating positions. Just posing questions. And giving you a little insight into what's bound to creep into MSM discourse should the Democratic contest continue to be so close.

Therein lies the logic. But why be rational and logical when you can be a stereotype, right?

Frankly, I'd think you'd want to aim higher...but who am I to judge?


Big City Buzz

I'm off to NYC today to see about a thing.

According to the AP, authorities tested the source of NYC's tap water for pharmaceuticals but haven't yet conducted tests in the city itself.

I lived in Manhattan for the better part of 6 years. I'd suggest they add recreational drugs to the list when they do.

Getting Called Out

Wow. Who failed to vet the stock footage in Clinton's 3am call ad?

Not only is little Casey now 17 and extremely well-spoken. She's a fervent Obama supporter, having served as a local precinct captain even though she's not yet old enough to vote. She's now making the rounds explaining she feels slightly guilty about the accidental endorsement and is offering to do whatever she can to make it up to the candidate she really likes.

The Obama campaign could not ask for better free publicity, and the pretty, composed, likable teen makes Clinton look downright shady for using her sweet little image for a political ad without her knowledge.

Seems someone in the Clinton camp should have made a call.


To Us and Stuff

The signif and I are celebrating two years together tomorrow. For those of you who have been paired up for impressively longer periods of time, feel free to chuckle. But for us, it's a big enough deal to warrant a little self-congratulatory indulgence.

In other self-promotional news, I posted for the first time over at Chez John and Joe. I consider them friends, and while I appreciate my name and byline popping up on a liberal blog may unintentionally bother some of my more conservative friends and cohorts, I just want to make it clear that this does not in any way change my commitment to nonpartisan journalism.

John and Joe were kind enough to think of me when rounding out the roster for the time being, and since I'm loving the writing on a regular basis, I figured an additional outlet couldn't hurt.

I'm going to keep the light on and the bar fully stocked here. And I don't plan to crosspost often - if at all. Think of it as opening a second location in a more well-trafficked neighborhood.

Interested in a third in your neck of the woods? All you've got to do is ask.


Sheeny Happy People

It's like Christmas come early!

John's regular Sunday column is up now on Huffington Post Living.

It's the Charlie Sheen poetry we've all been waiting for.

UPDATE: The poem of the week's now new too and is in keeping with the celebrity theme.

Get Smart

I have no faith in the competency of our national government when DC alone can't seem to get its act together.

My old Metro SmarTrip card deactivated, and I needed to get a new one. That ridiculous process itself was annoying and inconvenient, but once I left the station with receipts and pamphlets in hand, I figured the rest would be cake.

Yeah, stale cake with nasty frosting.

My receipt says to "hold this receipt until you receive your fare adjustment in the mail." Did you get anything in the mail? Neither did I.

So I just called the SmartTrip Helpline, and after a 20 minute wait, I found out my money (close to $300) had "expired." Seems if you don't go to collect the balance from the fare machine within 30 days, the Metro people are more than happy to absorb your cash.

And here I was waiting for the fare adjustment in the mail as instructed on the OFFICIAL METRO RECEIPT handed to me - in person - at the Metro station.

Allegedly, Metro's now resubmitting my information, and the money will be back for pick-up Wednesday after 5pm.

Talk about being taken for a ride.



Rumor has it Blake Lewis is coming back to AI tonight.

Now would be a most excellent time to remind you I bought his CD, and - once again - I am sorry about that.

Do you mind? Does it matter?

I wondered out loud why Cindy McCain never spoke much out on the campaign trail and was informed that she had suffered a stroke in the not so distant past and still suffers some short-term memory loss. It's no secret, but you don't hear much about it.

Case in point: Take a gander at what's blatently missing from this imperfect bio piece on the possible future first lady.

I am not sure how much this matters. Here's one opinion that question's McCain's sympathy for his wife.

I'd argue differently. I'd bet Cindy supports her husband's go-again at the White House, but I also have some questions about her ability to serve as the nation's First Lady. I suspect there are a whole lot of diplomatic formalities and hostess duties that require some measure of memory. Is there a chance her disability could be misinterpreted as indifference or ignorance in a state setting?

It may seem minor on first glance, but if I thought she was just cold and impersonal standing behind her husband on the stump, I worry a little I may not be the only one.