
He Done Good

Signif's got the romance down to a science. I was a happy camper last night.

In other news, I suspected weighing in on the whole Chez sitch might stir the pot a touch, but isn't that inherently what the Internet's for?

Besides porn.

If you're new to the party, welcome. Mingle a little. I started writing back in August after leaving CNN. My audience is small but loyal, and I try my best to keep it light and fun and somewhat smart from time to time.

I'll add some turkey meat to the stew later on today, but for now, feel free to pick through the leftovers. You've got six months of catching up to do.


gsmith said...

your "poem of the week" got me picking over my old poetry books, and I think that you would enjoy Elizabeth Bishop. she didn't write much, but she wrote well. i think that someone just published a new edition of her works, too. mine's from 1980, paperback, $6.50.

Jacki Schechner said...

I'll look her up. Thanks.

The "poem of the week" gets updated every Friday so there will be a new one today. I'll link to it when it's ready.

Also, you should check out The Huffington Post Living section on Sundays. John writes a poetry-related essay each week. I'll post a link to that too.

gsmith said...

thanks so much. will definitely check out John's poetry-related essay, thanks for the heads up on that one.

having spent a lot of time in New England, i love their poets, and Galway Kinnell is one of my favorites.

gsmith said...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galway_Kinnell has a nice little piece on Galway.

Eliz. Bishop is really a fascinating person as well, and fun to read about.